Thursday, April 17, 2008

Remembering Wallace Briggs Westfeldt

Below is a collection of material to remind us about the amazing and wonderful life of Wallace Briggs Westfeldt

We thank our local and extended community, friends and family for your beautiful support to us. We are deeply humbled and gratified by your kindness.

For those of you who were not there, we had two gatherings to remember and celebrate Wallace. One of them was on the snow at Snowmass with an open microphone, and the second was at Buttermilk where specific speakers were chosen. To all the young people, both contemporaries and young athletes that Wallace had coached, your eloquence and spirit are like his: full of love, vitality, and vibrance. You inspire us and we're grateful.

Remember that Wallace's spirit is found more in the memories and meanings of his life rather than those of his death. Please help us(and yourselves) with that understanding.

If you wish to contribute your thoughts on Wallace, email them to and we will post them when appropriate. Of, if you wish, you may add your thoughts in a comment on any of the posts below.

Thank you

The Westfeldts

1 comment:

weems said...

This morning we rode to the top of Gowdy’s chute up on the Big Burn of Snowmass. We walked to the edge of the cornice, and each--I, Nancy, Packy, Ben, Amelia, Megan, and Victor Gerdin (a dear old friend who drove the snowcat for us) all took a few handfuls of Wallace's ashes.

The wind blew up quickly and the snow began to swirl across the flat slopes at the top and out into the void of the Cirque. One by one, we lifted our hands and released ashes into the wind, the snow, and the Cirque, as we looked out at the white, rugged Holy Cross Mountains in the distance to the north.

This place was the magic playground of our children, and we all sobbed, and hugged, and no one said a word the entire time. We just let the wind and the snow and the mountains speak. And they were eloquent enough.